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Multiplayer PvP


PC - Multiplayer 2-4 Players

Engine Used:

Construct 2

Tools Used:

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

yEd Graph Editor
Photoshop CS5.5


Crayonetta is a 2D Multiplayer game for Android Tablets for kids of age 6-9 and the game is made by a team of 6 People (5 Designers + 1 Artist) as 'End of Year Project' for University project. We had a real playtest session with kids of Age 6-9 during the Alpha Stage of the game.


Crayonetta is a game about colorful crayons being shot in the arena between the players. The first player to eliminate the other players base wins the game. The player has to use the finger touch to shoot the crayons leaving a trail of the last crayon shot. The player has to shoot the other player's crayon trails and eliminate them.

The game features two modes that isArena Mode which is the Normal game mode and the Racing Mode where the players crayons have to start at the center of the arena.


7 months


Game Designer
Level Designer


- Conceptualization
- Brain Storming with other Designers & Artists
- Designing Game System, UI Menu, Touch Controls, and Power-ups
- Level design of Racing Mode

Touch Gesture in Tab

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